Reasons to Blog

In order to clarify for myself why I'm doing this, I thought I'd write down a few selfish reasons I've started this blog:​

  1. I'd like to become a stronger writer and storyteller
  2. It's a hobby that can be done from just about anywhere
  3. It's nice to have a site to send people who want to learn more about me
  4. It's nice to have a log of what I've been thinking about
  5. I want to express and interact with interesting ideas

Is there anything you've started (or stopped) doing recently?​ Is there anything you want to start?

Reimagining the Publishing Industry's Project Development

Version control is important with any sufficiently complicate project. Once I started learning Git, I slowly realized how powerful it was. I had the "aha" moment for why repository hosts like GitHub and Bitbucket are so useful for software developers. The ability to clone, branch, fork, and otherwise work with complex projects is invaluable. Thanks Linus!

​Not too long ago, I watched a TED talk where Clay Shirky discussed using version control for lawmaking and government. I really liked that concept.​ He talks about version control around 6 minutes into the video.

So I started thinking... what other areas could benefit from granular version control?​

The most obvious one that came to mind (since I'm married to an author) was the publishing industry.

​Imagine if publishers had a complete log of project changes, the ability to branch, rewind, fast-forward, and have departments, authors, agents submit pull requests for all project changes - everything from the initial proposal received from the author to all edits and variations of the manuscript. And why stop at just manuscript changes? Why not all changes associated with the project, across multiple departments including cover variations, type setting, and advertising creative. Sound too complicated? Consider the complexity of enormous projects like the Linux Kernel, spread across the world with thousands of contributors. It's kept manageable and efficient by version control.

​If you work for a publishing company, you have a vested interest in "staying relevant." Your survival is at stake. Want a competitive edge? Want to stay nimble? In the age of social media, you'll need to continue to offer new authors more than industry connections. You'll need to be more efficient and more effective at project development than what authors could reasonably accomplish without you. I'd suggest that a great place to start would be to fundamentally shift how you view the importance of the littlest things; the incremental changes to each of your projects.

Why not incorporate the technologies that provide efficiency to some of the largest and most complex content publishing projects in existence: software applications? These are projects that can't afford a single typo without major consequences.

Imagine increasing the quality of communication between departments, agents, and authors while simultaneously speeding up the entire publishing chain, lowering the rate of errors and logging every important change ever made to any part of the project. That's the kind of shift in process we're talking about here.

If you're in publishing and want to learn more about the areas in software development I think could help your industry, here's a list of things to start considering:​

So what do you think? Would version control be good for publishing?​

4 Practical Steps for Building an Online Audience

[Trigger Warning: Web 2.0 Buzzword rage]​

I'm convinced there's no magic to building an online audience. Success "on the internet," if you define success as gathering an audience or some measure of influence, relies on the same qualities that under-gird success in other interactive content driven contexts. Good people skills and valuable content are top of the heap. Those resources will help you build a reputation, which is what you need to "break through" or "be noticed."

Much has been written about the technical side of things. There are already plenty marketing buzzwords like SEO, social media, going viral etc. that quickly and vaguely translate very technical ideas into key-phrases suitable for use in boardrooms filled with non-technical executives. And while your "marketing strategies" may be good for getting more traffic, they should always be considered secondary to your content and personality which is fundamental to how you build your reputation and by extension your audience. In that vein, here are four steps I think are important to building an audience.

​1) Don't be anonymous

When you're first starting out, the only people who will read what you write are your friends and family. They already know who you are, don't pretend to be someone you're not. Make sure to have your name somewhere easily accessible on your website. As your friends start sharing your content, your new audience has a name to put with it. This allows your growing audience to categorize you in their mind as "friend of a friend" instead of "that website" and they'll be able to more easily find and follow you on social media sites, twitter, Google+ etc. if they like what you have to say.

2) You're not smarter than your audience

Everyone thinks they're the smartest person in the room. I challenge you to be different. There's a good chance the people you're writing for are smarter than you. Don't fall into the trap of thinking you're writing for a giant mass of zombies that you need to trick into following you. Write what you think, write what you know, consider that everything you write will be read by someone who knows more than you do. Don't try to prove you're an expert, just offer what you have and let others decide if it's valuable to them. To some you'll be a guru, to others you won't.

3) ​Don't expect instant results

The internet speeds up information sharing, but this gives an illusion that everything is "instant" online. The reality is that, while a web presence can help you build an audience, it's not instant. Building a substantial audience can easily take years. ​Also, the "tricks" to building an audience are actually quite boring. Create valuable content, make sure it's accessible, repeat. If you try to take shortcuts, you'll end up just spinning your wheels and paying SEO Web 2.0 Acme Audience Builder Inc. a lot of money for traffic that does you no good.

4) Reputation grows an audience

Reputation is the ground on which you spread your seeds of traffic to grow an audience. Even if you got an extra 1,000 visits to your site today, unless you've built a strong library of content and useful resources, you'd be back to normal stats in a day or so. You need a reputation, which comes from a history of sharing little pieces of yourself in this public space we call the internet. It's not just about traffic. Earning a reputation takes time.

So, to summarize: There's no magic, be prepared to get little to no traffic for at least a year, long term audience growth depends more on your reputation and your content than your technical ability.​ If this depresses you, revisit why you want to build an online audience in the first place. Decide if it's worth it. If you decide it is, then what are you waiting for? Do it.

What would you add to this list?​

3 Sites for Learning how to Code

If you're like me, you like learning new things. I tend to learn something, then once I understand 80% of it or so, I get bored and move on to the next thing. I'm not sure it's a good habit, but it's something I've tended to do all of my life.

​Right now I'm on a bit of a "learn to program" kick and here are some resources I've found extremely helpful.


I completed the Javascript track on Codecademy. The ability to write and execute code alongside the tutorial made hands-on learning nearly effortless (except for the learning part). They also have tracks for Python, Ruby, and you can learn markup and styling in their HTML and CSS tracks.

W3 Schools

Not only a great reference resource, W3 Schools has quizzes and tutorials. More than once I've gone to the site just to quickly check a snippet of HTML in their "Try it Yourself" editor.

Web Designer Wall

Nick La, of Web Designer Wall has his finger on the pulse of web design, and has some great resources, especially for learning about responsive design and ​design trends. I've found his articles such as Responsive Column Layouts enlightening and very well constructed. He doesn't post often, and when he does, it's worth the read.


There are tons of programming resources out there. has recently emerged, which has aggregated a few of the more notable ones and is home to this inspiring video:

Three Incredible Apps I take for Granted

This list is not exhaustive. I take just about all tech for granted about 3 months after it's released. I could list all of Google's apps/services here. Also, though two of the three listed here aren't just for iOS, but I'm mostly thinking about using the apps on an iPad as I write this.  What makes these apps incredible is not just their user friendly UI, but the service behind them. A well designed interface plus a well designed service equals an instant take-for-granted app.

1) Songza

Songza is what Pandora hopes to be someday. Don't get me wrong, I really enjoyed Pandora in its day, but it'll need a ground-up re-code, and whatever the corporate equivalent of soul searching is, before it'll compete with the usefulness of Songza. In addition to the context/daypart music concierge, one of the best parts of Songza is that little "HQ" button next to the volume control. Touching this is the 21st century version of sliding the "bass boost" switch on my late '90s CD player. It uses tech from Audyssey to re-shape the audio for specific headphone brand/model, presumably to make the audio sound more like the original producer's intent, compensating for specific headphones' idiosyncrasies.

2) Garageband

Garageband is just for iOS. This is the app that sold me on the iPad. In fact, if all the iPad  could do was Garageband, it would be worth the purchase price. If you have any interest in music creation and any musical ability at all, this app will both impress and depress you. I got a decent feel for the interface, the smart instruments, the multi-track recorder and the midi editor in about a half hour. It's amazingly easy to create songs and get ideas down. After using Garageband, you may ask yourself "why did I spend all that time learning an instrument and honing my music skilz?" Don't worry, it built character. Also, there are plenty of instruments not yet available in Garageband for iOS... like the accordion.

3) Nest

​Last year, we had to replace our HVAC. I decided, that along with our new heat and air, I'd spend the $260 for the Nest thermostat. I haven't regretted it. The intelligent "learning your schedule" feature isn't as important to me as the simplicity of using the thermostat while simultaneously having all the bells and whistles, like remote accessibility. Is it bad that I somehow feel MORE comfortable when a new device in my house has the ability to connect to the internet and download updates? I'm also a fan of the monthly energy use reports it emails me and the little leaves I get, when I'm saving energy. At least, that's what it's telling me. Couple that with the ability to tell it I'm "away" or "home" from anywhere I have an internet connection and have it adjust the temperature in my house accordingly and it's the instant winner of the "I now take you for granted" app award.

One Step to Becoming a Better Blogger

I'm not exactly an exemplary blogger. I've started a blog before, and let it get stale. And then again, and lost interest. I've got great blogging advice for Rachel mind you, but taking my own advice? Meh. It's too much work.

For this blog I'm going to test out a new strategy for one of the most difficult areas I run into while blogging: Posting Regularly

There's lots of ways to improve a site, blog or otherwise. I've got the head knowledge, and the practical experience for the behind-the-scenes technical side of things, and lots of opinions on what makes a good site. Now I'm going to attempt to put it all into practice.​

So the one-step-strategy? Well, it's simple. After finishing one post, I'm going to make sure I have at least one new post started, unfinished, and saved. It's important that I leave it unfinished, but not in a place that I'm stuck. In other words, I could finish it, but I don't.​ We'll see how it goes.