3 Sites for Learning how to Code

If you're like me, you like learning new things. I tend to learn something, then once I understand 80% of it or so, I get bored and move on to the next thing. I'm not sure it's a good habit, but it's something I've tended to do all of my life.

​Right now I'm on a bit of a "learn to program" kick and here are some resources I've found extremely helpful.


I completed the Javascript track on Codecademy. The ability to write and execute code alongside the tutorial made hands-on learning nearly effortless (except for the learning part). They also have tracks for Python, Ruby, and you can learn markup and styling in their HTML and CSS tracks.

W3 Schools

Not only a great reference resource, W3 Schools has quizzes and tutorials. More than once I've gone to the site just to quickly check a snippet of HTML in their "Try it Yourself" editor.

Web Designer Wall

Nick La, of Web Designer Wall has his finger on the pulse of web design, and has some great resources, especially for learning about responsive design and ​design trends. I've found his articles such as Responsive Column Layouts enlightening and very well constructed. He doesn't post often, and when he does, it's worth the read.


There are tons of programming resources out there. Code.org has recently emerged, which has aggregated a few of the more notable ones and is home to this inspiring video: